
Resboricase is a biological medicine for the treatment of hyperuricemia in patients undergoing chemotherapy, the technical knowledge of which was developed for the first time in the country by Bersam Pharmed Alborz.

Raw material of heparin

Heparin is an injectable anticoagulant that is most commonly used after heart surgery, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, etc.


Tribulus supplement is a derivative of Tribulus plant, whose active substance saponin has a great effect on relieving fatigue, increasing energy and increasing sexual power by stimulating the secretion of testosterone.


Livestock hormonal medicine PMSG, which is used for multiple births, superovulation and estrus synchronization in livestock.
Spain, Australia and Argentina are the three countries producing this medicine derived from pregnant horse plasma in the world, and with its production by Barsam Pharmed Alborz, Iran will become the fourth country producing PMSG in the world.

About BarsamPharmed

The knowledge-based pharmaceutical company Barsam Pharmed Alborz started its work in 2018 with the aim of developing technical knowledge and producing medicines and high-tech biological supplements that did not have domestic examples.
Bersam Pharmed Alborz pharmaceutical company, by using young, expert and capable personnel in the field of medicines and medical biotechnology, aims to take positive and effective steps to meet the needs of patients and people of our dear country.
The development of the technical knowledge of resboricase medicine for the first time in the country, the development of the technical knowledge and the production of colostrum-derived supplements for the first time in West Asia, and the development of the technical knowledge to produce PMSG for the first time in the world are among the third statements of the company.

Organizational values

Our Major Missions



Production of medicines and biological supplements that do not have domestic production examples. so that 2 new products enter the market every year.


The highest accuracy in observing the quality principles according to the latest global guidelines so that the products that reach the domestic and foreign consumers have the highest quality.


Entering the global markets and taking part in the world pharmaceutical market, excelling in quality and gaining competitive advantages


Employing the most experienced human resources among university graduates and creating job opportunities based on meritocracy

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